
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sharpen your business acumen

Why do it, if it is not for fun?

Imagine ourselves on our way to work, riding a nice BMW.
Everyone looks at us with envy while we try to hide our misery. 
Why should we feel so miserable inside?
Because, the traffic is thick and our journey is a series of stop-start-stop-start. 
We own the car no doubt, but everybody outside of us, controls the traffic.
We are on a journey we don’t enjoy performing any more! 
It is not what the highway cruise we dreamt about when we took delivery at the show room!
What plays on our minds at such moments?

That is the MIND GAME.

The game that goes on all the time in our minds.
Unless we rule the game in our minds, we will be thoughtlessly persistent and short change our own selves, at the cost of our own self respect.

Welcome to Business Twenty 20.

On the one hand, we cannot let go of the BMW. Out goes our asset, taking our self pride along with it.
Yet, we can’t suffer the BMW any longer because we feel cheated, unable to have the fun we were promised.
What to do? 
Would we continue doing anything if it is no longer fun? 
Probably not.
Still, how many of us continue to play on unwillingly, even when we feel bored, depressed and denied our legitimate dues.

Harpreet HAPPY Singh, the hero and the CEO of New Era Manufacturing Company was exactly in such a predicament.
He wondered to himself, "Why do I do and continue to do the things  that leave me powerless to do anything about it. 
Unable to think of a better way, he resigned himself to fate. 
He felt stuck. Trapped. Exploited and vulnerable.
He realized very soon that that was no way to live. 
He had always known himself to be capable of innovating himself under the extremes of pressure, to out-think his reality and reinvent himself.

Prisoners of war, illegal immigrants, jail breakers, terminally ill patients and revolutionaries managed to successfully break out of their mind barriers and broke free into a brave and bright new world!
If only he could think like them, he wondered, he could change the prospects of his bleak future.

It is my pleasure to welcome the readers of Thought Catalyst to a sneak preview into my maiden effort to publish a book on transformational thinking for breakthrough management!

BUSINESS TWENTY20: How to build an Everlasting Company

Happy is still celebrating BAISHAKI with his friends.

Happy will be delighted to connect with you as he returns to work tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations Shekar . Best wishes for a roaring success for your book. Cheers, Hari

    1. Thank you Hari.
      Finally, you will see me get rolling now.
      Hope the readers find them enjoyable.

  2. Congratulations Sir and best wishes for a grand success for your book.

    1. Thank yo umanthan,
      Do keep us posted about your take on this blogpost.
      We love to hear from you.

  3. Shekarsan, Congratulations!! Wish you a great New Year ahead.

  4. Congrats, my friend. I can't wait to get my copy!

  5. Thank you Traci.
    Great hearing from you.
    I will let you know as soon as the kindle version gets ready.
    Best regards

  6. Shekar Sir, Just waiting to get hold of the book. Congrats, wishing you all the very best. Abraham

    1. Dear Samuel Abraham,
      The formal launch of the book is scheduled after the elections are over.
      Meanwhile the books are available to all my friends.
      The sale proceeds are being donated to charity for promoting education for the underprivileged children. I will be happy to arrange as manycopies for you and your friends who may benefit from the book. Regards

  7. Congrats - I am sure you would have put in a great effort to bring out a high quality as usual. I plan to collect the book in person by end of May after the election results are out !
    Best Regards, and wish you a 'purposeful' launch of your book !
